Simone Hirschmüller

Vice President, Client Services & Administration

Stu­dies in Par­a­le­ga­lism at the Zu­rich Uni­ver­si­ty of Ap­plied Sci­en­ces (ZHAW - Par­a­le­gal 2013). From 1995–1997 working for the For­eign Ex­ch­an­ge Tra­ding Team with UBS (for­mer­ly SBC War­burg). 1997–1999 working at the Ad­mis­si­on Board of SIX Swiss Ex­ch­an­ge. From 1999–2005 as­si­stant to the Cli­ent Re­la­ti­onship Team UK at So­cié­té Gé­né­ra­le Pri­va­te Ban­king (for­mer­ly Rüegg Bank). Sin­ce 2005 re­s­pon­si­ble for Cli­ent Services & Ad­mi­ni­stra­ti­on with FIRST IN­DE­PEN­DENT FUND SER­VICES LTD.

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