Stefan D. Naegeli

Co-founder & President of the
Board of Directors

Prac­tising fund la­wy­er. Stu­dies in Zu­rich (lic.iur. 1988) and New York (M.C.J. 1992), in­ternship in a New York law firm. As­so­cia­te for se­veral ye­ars in a ma­jor Zu­rich law firm, Part­ner with Na­e­ge­li & Strei­chen­berg At­tor­neys at Law (1996-2005), Part­ner with Na­e­ge­li & Part­ners At­tor­neys at Law Ldt. sin­ce 2006, sin­ce 1993 spe­cia­li­sing in in­vest­ment fund work. Sin­ce 2001 Pre­si­dent of the Board of Di­rec­tors of FIRST IN­DE­PEN­DENT FUND SER­VICES LDT. Pro­found ex­pe­ri­en­ce in the are­as of set­ting-up, dis­tri­bu­ti­on and re­pre­sen­ta­ti­on of collec­tive in­vest­ments sche­mes, in­clu­ding ETFs, al­ter­na­ti­ve struc­tu­res and off­shore in­vest­ment ve­hi­cles. Mem­bership in va­rious working groups in the le­gis­la­ti­ve pro­cess and spea­ker on va­rious se­mi­nars in fund-re­gu­la­to­ry mat­ters on a con­ti­nuing ba­sis.

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